Friday, July 23, 2010

How often do i hurt my feet while running barefoot

I often get ask do i hurt my feet or get injured while barefoot running. The answer is simple hardly ever, after running barefoot for over 2 years now the worst thing that has happened to me is stepping in dog shit and the odd blister in the early days.  Theses blisters came from not taking my time when i was transitioning from shoes to barefoot and running in hot weather. So in short i have had no injury's from running barefoot however i have had several injures frow walking around the house in barefeet. Case in point i recently completed the marathon and had taken 2 weeks to recover. I was just about to get back out running when i broke my toe making my sons bed. I have injured my feet around the garden or house4 of 5 times a year. So my suggestion to those of you who are running barefoot is dont worry to much about the running part be more concerned when you are in barefeet around the house or garden thats when the risk of injure is high.

1 comment:

  1. hi Josh ,
    I agree , when out running we look out more for any obstacles and are more careful but at home think we're safer .When i was at school i was always barefoot and didn't have problems with it. The cross country races were always done barefoot , we were used to it.
    Great post anyway , keep up with it , they're your feet you know what they can take.
